Beaumaris Rowing Club
Welcome to Beaumaris Rowing Club! We are a coastal rowing club on the beautiful Isle of Anglesey in North Wales. Located in the centre of Beaumaris on the shores of the Menai Strait we have the perfect location for coastal rowing.
We are a friendly and welcoming coastal rowing club for people of all ages and abilities, from all walks of life. We row on the Menai Strait most days of the week, all year round, with rowing sessions to suit all interests including recreational rowing, tours, training and competition. We are affiliated to Welsh Sea Rowing and we regularly compete in league and open events around the coast of North and West Wales.

Our rowing is in fixed seat Celtic longboats and sliding seat coastal sculls, with crews of up to four rowers plus a cox. The club has five Celtic longboats; these are sturdy coastal rowing boats with four rowing crew plus a cox. We also have two coastal sculls, a LiteBoat coxless double scull and a Swift coxed quad.
We welcome new members at any time and no rowing experience is necessary. We run regular, free taster sessions so please get in touch if you would like to have a go at coastal rowing.
Off the water we have an active social scene, so there’s something for everyone whether you're interested in rowing for fitness, for competition, to meet new people or just rowing for fun.